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merging THE WORLD'S OF ART AND conservation

Counting Coral designs, donates and installs Sculptural Coral Gene Banks that are meticulously and artistically customized to revive and rehabilitate coral reefs. Tailoring the approach to the specific location in Fiji, the state of coral, and collaborative partners involved, Counting Coral undertakes the installation and development of extensive managed parks and structural nurseries.


A gene bank is a genetic library that stores and

preserves genetic material from various organisms, particularly plants, animals, and microorganisms -

and in our case, coral. The intention is to safeguard the diversity of the selected reef ecosystem in order to avoida future of mono-cultured reefs. We plant rare, resilient, and opportunistic corals - that become the 'parent corals' on the gene bank. Genetic diversity is the foundation of biodiversity, and if maintained, will allow for species' adaptation, resilience, and evolutionary potential.

what's it to you?

Traditionally, coral restoration efforts often lack appeal for tourists and passersby, as they primarily involve utilitarian structures and functional frames for coral harvesting. Our goal is to combine this scientific efficacy with artistic elements that spark curiosity and captivate swimmers who may have little knowledge about coral. By incorporating art pieces, we aim to provoke questions and actively engage individuals in the importance of coral conservation. 

These stunning gene banks serve not only as captivating living art pieces but also address all the challenges of restoration. They represent the most effective and safest method for preserving coral genetics and protecting reefs for the future. The future of coral conservation and protection depends greatly on the involvement and interest of travelers and the public at large. With the integration of art, resorts now have a compelling method to educate visitors about the significance of reef restoration.


Both the structure and attachment wires are constructed from marine-grade stainless steel, ensuring they are completely safe for coral and ocean life. Unlike many materials used in coral conservation, marine-grade stainless steel does not release micro-plastics, leach chemicals, or deteriorate over time. Ocean elements like algae start to cover the structure, transforming into a living art piece, and an artificial reef. Marine-grade stainless steel is the safest and most effective material for underwater use.


Counting Coral currently has 2 Sculptural Coral Gene Banks in Fiji, and will be installing the 3rd park in the beginning of 2025. In 2022, Counting Coral donated and installed the first underwater Sculptural Coral Gene Bank of its kind, at Blue Lagoon Beach Resort, on Nacula Island - located in Fiji’s Yasawa Island Chain. Following the success of this park, the second Sculptural Coral Gene Bank has been donated and installed at Fiji's Vomo Island. 



The Sculptural Coral Gene Banks are pivotal in preserving the biodiversity and genetic diversity of coral reefs at selected locations. This proactive approach guards against the potential pitfalls of mono-cultures and the more severe threat of complete reef degradation. They're designed as a sustainable system for coral cultivation. They support the replanting and ongoing growth of coral reefs by maintaining 'parent corals' in gene banks coupled with secondary nurseries—practices that are not typically employed in standard coral restoration efforts. 

This strategic deployment serves as a foundation for sustained growth and expansion of coral habitats.They not only draw the attention of tourists and divers but also foster their direct involvement in coral restoration activities. This makes the sculptures a compelling marketing asset for resorts or partnering organizations, enhancing their appeal and engagement with visitors.

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